After Care Advice

If you want to get the most out of your eyelash extensions, it is important to properly care for them at home. Lash extensions that are not properly cared for will fall out sooner and can even be the cause of irritation for the eyes. In order to maintain good ocular health, as well as lengthen the life of your extensions, it is imperative that you practice proper maintenance. If you properly care for your extensions, they will likely remain in place until the natural lashes that hold them fall out.

The beauty of eyelash extensions is that they are fairly maintenance free. There is not a whole lot that needs to be done in order to facilitate their upkeep. They are designed to enhance your eyes and add a thicker, fuller look to the eyelashes. If you follow a few simple rules, you will be able to easily maintain your lash extensions and keep them much longer. With the proper attention, you can enjoy them for even longer by cleaning around the lash line every day, twice a day & refilling them in between (every two to three weeks) maximum of 3-6 touch-ups in the 100 day hair cycle.

1. Do not swim or have a facial right after your application for 4 hours. 

Do keep in mind to keep your lashes as dry as possible for the first 24 hours – meaning no swimming laps, hot yoga, or a trip to the sauna. It is not water that makes the extensions fall off but the water pressure that may loosen the bases as well as the natural oils your skin secretes. Water pressure causes movement at the bases and can interfere and cause them to fall out pre-maturely. Try taking a bath or leaning your head back to shampoo your hair. You may shampoo the lashes with a foaming cleanser the evening after the initial service, rinse and pat the eye area upwards gently with a dry towel cleaning around the lash line with fingers, cleansing wand or pointed cotton buds. Please advise with your Ayumi lash technician for the best way to cleanse your lashes.

2. Do not rub your eyes or tug at the extensions.

Not only is rubbing your eyes harmful to the health of your eyes, but it can also rip your extensions out or remove your natural lashes (plus the extensions bonded to them). Rubbing your eyes can introduce bacteria and diseases into the eyes and it can also damage the look you have achieved by causing extensions to lift from the base and fall out.

3. Oil-based products are not recommended to be used around the eye area or on the lash extensions.

This includes creamy makeup, waxy or treatment-based eyeliners, anti-aging creams, serums, oil-based or duo phase eye makeup remover, skin creams, and oily or cream cleansers. These will interfere with the bonding, break down the glue, and cause the eyelash extensions to fall out. Make sure to clean around the eye area and in between lashes with pointed cotton buds wet with water every day, twice a day.

4. Groom your lashes and use an eyelash brush. Part of good maintenance is a neat appearance.

Gently using an eyelash brush will help improve the look and length of the natural lashes as well as the lash extensions. Oils and bacteria from the hands can transfer and interfere with the bonding. Additionally, the brush will keep lashes and extensions from clumping or sticking together.

5. Be cautious towards the other beauty products you use (no waterproof liners or mascara).

Most people are so pleased with the look of their eyelash extensions that they do not feel that the use of mascara is warranted or necessary. However, it is possible to use mascara just at the tips (classic 1:1 only) when you have extensions. It should be water-based, however, and never waterproof. Waterproof mascara’s agents interfere with the adhesive used on semi-permanent eyelash extensions and can cause the bonding solution to become compromised, resulting in losing of your extensions.

6. Book in for a fill right after your initial set.

To maintain your lash extensions, book in 2-3 weeks after your session to touch-up missing lashes or add in more for fullness with a refill.